12.7MM (.50 Caliber) Sniper Elite® Ammunition
General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems–Canada has more than 100 years experience in the manufacture of small caliber ammunition, including ball, tracer, blank and armor-piercing cartridges.
With the constantly growing need for increased accuracy, we now offer the Sniper Elite® 0.50 caliber (12.7mm) Ball and AP (Armor-Piercing) family of ammunition. This family of ammunition is compatible with all common sniper rifles and produces a recoil similar to that of an M33 ball cartridge.
An Interchangeable Sniper Family
Sniper Elite® Ball and AP cartridges are a perfect ballistic match and have the same trajectory and mean point of impact at 1,000 m (1,094 yds.)
The projectile design of the Sniper Elite® Ball and AP cartridges was optimized and all components are produced with very tight tolerances, for greater accuracy. This ammunition has an average radius dispersion of approximately 0.85 MOA (Minute of Angle,) at 1,000 m (1,094 yds.)
The Sniper Elite® Ball cartridge is available with spotter-flash-on-impact tracer option (known as TPS.) The Sniper Elite® AP cartridge is also available with an optional incendiary function (API.) In all, four projectile configurations are available.
The Sniper Elite® Ball and AP cartridges are unique on the market today. Low target dispersion at long ranges is guaranteed by the use of specially designed production machinery.

The 12.7 x 99 mm (.50 Cal) Sniper Elite® Ball cartridge is designed to be used with sniper rifles. Its non-toxic bullet, comprises a gilding metal jacket with a soft steel core and an inert chemical filler at the tip of the projectile. Match accuracy is achieved through the optimization of case and bullet geometries as well as tightly controlling tolerances of all components during fabrication. The cartridge case is optimized for effortless extraction out of tight sniper weapon chambers. The Sniper Elite® TP cartridge has the same trajectory as the other Sniper Elite® cartridges produced by GD-OTS Canada.
- Bullet Weight: ~46 g. (~709 grains)
- Recoil: ~25 joules
- Dispersion: Mean radius at 1,000 less than 0.85 MOA (minute of angle)
- Waterproof

The 12.7 x 99 mm (.50 Cal) Sniper Elite® Ball with spotter (TPS) cartridge is designed to be used with sniper rifles. The non-toxic bullet is the same as in the TP version except that a spotting charge is inserted into the nose to generate a bright luminous marking effect (~0.5 m in diameter) upon target impact. Match accuracy is achieved through the optimization of case and bullet geometries as well as tightly controlling tolerances of all components during fabrication. The cartridge case is optimized for effortless extraction out of tight sniper weapon chambers. The Sniper Elite® TPS cartridge has the same trajectory as the other Sniper Elite® cartridges produced by GD-OTS Canada.
- Bullet Weight: ~46g (~709 grains)
- Recoil: ~25 joules
- Dispersion: Mean radius at 1,000 less than 0.85 MOA (minute of angle)
- Waterproof

The 12.7 x 99 mm (.50 Cal) Armour Piercing (AP), Sniper Elite® cartridge is designed to fire from 12.7 mm sniper rifles. Its non-toxic bullet comprises a gilding metal jacket with a hardened steel core and inert chemical filler at the tip of the projectile. The cartridge case is optimized for effortless extraction out of tight sniper weapon chambers. All components are optimized to ensure high accuracy at very long ranges
- Bullet Weight: ~ 49 g. (~ 756 grains)
- Recoil: ~ 25 joules
- Dispersion: Mean radius at 1,000m less than 0.85 MOA (minute of angle)
- Penetration: Defeats multi-plate array targets out to 800 m
- Waterproof

The 12.7 x 99 mm (.50 Cal) Sniper Elite® Armour Piercing Incendiary (API) cartridge is designed to be used with sniper rifles. The non-toxic bullet is the same as that in the AP version, except that a pyrotechnic charge is inserted into the nose to generate an incendiary effect upon target impact. Match accuracy is achieved through the optimization of case and bullet geometries as well as tightly controlling tolerances of all components during fabrication. The cartridge case is optimized for effortless extraction out of tight sniper weapon chambers. The Sniper Elite® API cartridge has the same trajectory as the other Sniper Elite® cartridges produced by GD-OTS Canada.
- Bullet Weight: ~49g.(~756 grains)
- Recoil: ~25 joules
- Dispersion: Mean radius at 1,000 less than 0.85 MOA (minute of angle)
- Penetration: Defeats multi-plate array targets out to 800m
- Waterproof
- Low recoil, noise and muzzle flash
- Extremely low cartridge case extraction force
- Bright flash upon target impact with Sniper Elite® TPS Ball cartridges, allowing clear identification of the impact area
- Sniper Elite® API cartridges will defeat strategic targets at long ranges (22 mm armor plate at 400 m)
- The seamless transition from the Sniper Elite® Ball to AP allows economical training with Ball, while maintaining operational readiness with AP
- Non-toxic bullets eliminate environmental soil contamination
- Sniper Elite® Ball and AP Projectiles available in 4 Configurations